Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Yahoo Still On Defense

"SUNNYVALE, Calif. (AP) - Yahoo Inc. has extended a deadline for nominating candidates to its board, giving the struggling Internet pioneer more time to search for a white knight to help it fight off an unwanted takeover bid from Microsoft Corp.

The announcement Wednesday comes amid published reports that Yahoo has stepped up discussions with Time Warner Inc. about acquiring or forming a joint venture with its AOL online unit to fend off the world's largest software company.

Microsoft's bid, originally valued at $44.6 billion, or $31 per share, was made public Feb. 1. Yahoo has rejected the offer as too low, and it was expected Microsoft would nominate its own slate to the Yahoo board to push the deal through.

Yahoo said the deadline for nominations would be 10 days after it announces the date of its annual shareholder meeting. The previous deadline was March 14......"

Microsoft needs to focus on improving products like Vista as opposed to taking over a company that was running themselves into the ground. Its even possible that Microsoft will back Yahoo into a situation that makes them (Yahoo) a better corporation and a bigger threat than they ever thought they could be.

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