Thursday, March 27, 2008

Microsoft Eyeing iPhone for Apps

"Microsoft recently told Fortune magazine that it is looking at developing software for the iPhone.

It was only inevitable that Microsoft would be trying to cash in on the popularity of the iPhone, especially after the release of the iPhone SDK. The iPhone SDK gives Microsoft the opportunity to jump on the millions of people using the iPhone without having to work with Apple, at least directly. The SDK gives Microsoft the ability to produce suites of Office and other applications for the iPhone.

Don't sign the paperwork, yet. Microsoft's team of Mac developers has only been looking at the iPhone SDK for a week or so now and deciding whether or not the opportunity exists to produce applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch."

Soon we're just going to witness Microsoft breaking into Apple and Google territory, Google breaking into Microsoft and Apple territory, and Apple breaking into that of Google and Microsoft. Whatever the result, I'm sure its going to be great for the consumers.

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