Sunday, March 23, 2008

Microsoft Still Losing In Search War

"Other than a slight jump last summer during a Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) contest called Live Search Club, Microsoft's share of Internet searches in the United States has been consistently flat or declining over the last three years. That trend continued in February, as it lost another 0.2% of searches as compared to total search pie, according to comScore.

There have been repeated shake-ups of Microsoft's search strategy in the last few years, with the company first moving from MSN Search to Live Search, and then creating an entirely new organization for search and advertising, run by Microsoft senior VP Satya Nadella.

Last September, the company held an event called Searchification to unveil an entirely re-architected version of its search engine. Live Search 2.0 was supposed to provide more relevant query results and an easier-to-use interface. But these moves have meant little in terms of Microsoft's success in making inroads against Google."

Microsoft, in my opinion needs to simply give up the search war because it seems that the more innovations and ideas they come up with to become a competitor, the more they fall further behind than they already were.

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