Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Vista Prices Tumble

"ON the weekend, copies of Microsoft's Windows Vista Home Premium software were on sale for as little as $US99 ($106) at some US big-box outlets.

That's a big discount on the list price of $US159 for the most popular upgrade version of its operating system, which Microsoft stubbornly clung to from Vista's launch a year ago until last Thursday.

It's also a solid 25 per cent below the new list price, even before the cuts announced last week.

If there was any question that Microsoft is struggling to hold its ground in fast-shifting retail markets, it should be put to rest by the hit the company is taking on Vista prices and margins. "


I personally am not a fan of the vista version either. I was completely satisfied with the XP version of Windows which Microsoft released and I never heard any complaints about the capabilities of it. Vista, on the other hand, should have been scrapped from the start. I don't see how such a flawed program took the place of one that was way more efficient, quicker, and user friendly.

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