Saturday, March 1, 2008

Assignment 5: Current sales technique and suggested sales technique

Create a new sales channel for your product.

As difficult as this task may be, I'll make an effort to create some type of new or improved method of selling Microsoft Windows. The reason for this being so difficult is due to the fact that the Windows program is arguably one of the most important and successful ideas in the history of business. It has helped Microsoft transform into a multi-billionaire dollar corporation so naturally, I'm sure they have experienced and resourceful marketers who have thought of every shred of a possibility in selling this product, from business to business to business to consumer. However, one of the great things about business and in particular, marketing, is that there is always something to be thought of. So here is birthed the effort. One way in which windows, can widen its marker to sell a modified version of the program to run on cell phones. Certain phones already have the Windows program but as stated before, conception could just be expanding on a previous idea or product. If Microsoft made Windows compatible for all phones the way the Internet overall has become then Microsoft could also pitch to phone companies as another business to business method. It may even help its online search quest being that it would be obvious to make Microsoft the default search tool. Mobile searching is typically much quicker that PC searching so even if someone was accustomed to using Google, I doubt they would go through the extra time to first, visit the Google site and then actually perform their search.