Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Microsoft Opening Up

"Microsoft has emerged fresh from its recent financial battering by the European Union (EU) by announcing the public availability of Office Live Workspace.

The software giant, which recently pledged to be ‘more open’ (CRN Online 25 February) was lambasted by the EU for the amount it charges rivals for information on its software and fined a record £688m (CRN Online, 29 February). But from this week Office Live is now available for free registration online.

Onlookers previously questioned Microsoft’s pledge to change its technology and business practices to become more open for developers, partners, customers and competitors."

This was a very good strategy to rebound from that massive penalty Microsoft incurred just last week. The availability of their products may have been one of the only ways Microsoft was knocked from its pedestal but if they adopt this approach in other profitable areas, then they may just be invincible

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