Monday, March 10, 2008

Microsoft considering Blu-Ray drive for 360

by Quintin Smith on Sunday, 09 March 2008

"Following the market failure of the Xbox 360's HD-DVD drive, Microsoft is currently in talks with Sony about adding Blu-Ray technology to their videogames console.It's unknown at this point whether Microsoft intends to start producing high-end variants of the 360 with a Blu-Ray drive built in, or to sell it as an add-on unit as they did with the HD-DVD drive.Microsoft is currently pushing HD content on its console, with HD movies available for download via their online Xbox Live service. Sony is readying a similar digital download service for the PS3."

I think the add-on feature for this console would be a great idea since HD DVD's will be a dead product in the next couple of months. However, considering the two - three years in between the typical release dates of game consoles, Microsoft may just want to wait to add the update to the next gaming console they release.

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