Thursday, March 6, 2008

iPhone to get more updates

"Exchange support, true push email, pro-level security and configuration features -- they're all in store for the iPhone as Apple tries to position its touch-screen handset as a true competitor to BlackBerrys, Palm Treos, and Windows Mobile devices.

Apple VP Phil Schiller said the new features, which will allow business users to instantly sync their Exchange email, contacts, and events, will be in the next iPhone software update. (No word yet on when the update will arrive.) (Update: Looks like it won't be until June.)

Specifically, the iPhone will get support for Microsoft's ActiveSync protocol, which taps into-and syncs with-corporate Exchange servers, pulling info into the iPhone's existing email, calendar, and contacts applications. In the past, large business and corporate email networks have avoided using the iPhone because of compatibility, but now, that will no longer be an issue."

This feature is long overdue for the iPhone. I'm surprised it wasn't one of the features that came with the unit but in hindsight, there are plenty things that the iPhone lacks. Overall it is a great phone and arguably one of the most anticipated communications device ever.

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