Friday, March 28, 2008

Inching Towards a Recession

March 28, 8:52 am ET By Martin Crutsinger, AP Economics Writer

Consumer Spending Posts Weakest Gain in 17 Months in February

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Consumers, jolted by a credit crisis, job cuts and soaring energy costs, turned in the weakest spending performance in 17 months in February, further evidence that the risks of a recession are increasing.

The Commerce Department said Friday that consumer spending edged up by just 0.1 percent last month, the poorest showing since September 2006. And if the effects of inflation are removed, spending was flat in February, the third consecutive month of sluggish activity.

The performance of the consumer is closely watched since consumer spending accounts for two-thirds of total economic activity. Economists said the sustained weakness in this area is one of the most worrisome signs that the economy could be tipping into a recession.

The prolonged slump in housing, rising job layoffs, soaring energy costs and a severe credit crisis are taking their toll on consumer confidence. All of these troubles are causing consumers to cut back on their purchases.

Signs of A Recession
1. Consumer spending increased just .1% in February, the worst in 17 months
a- if inflation was removed, the spending was flat
b- consumer spending accounts for 2/3's of total economic activity
2. Housing Slump
3. Rise in job layoffs
a- consumers cut jobs for a second consecutive month in February
4. Increasing energy costs
5. Credit Crisis
6. Fed aggressively cutting interest rates
7. The mere fact that the Government has issued an Economic Stimulus Package

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Microsoft Giving Penalties for Xbox Cheaters

""CounterStrike" is widely popular in India; but by no means is it all 'fair play'. If anything, the game's seen a surge in the number of 'hackers' -- that one word given to all those who use cheat software to play good when they can't even 'pwn' a child in a fair manner.

In turn, truly fair players (if at all they exist) and server administrators have been driven sick and tired by the antics of these 'hackers'. Maybe, just maybe, Valve can take a leaf out of what Xbox Live is doing...
Last year itself, Xbox had issued warning to players who stole identities and tampered with achievements. Taking this a step further, Microsoft yesterday took action against those found guilty of 'bumping up' their Gamerscores and achievements.

Several accounts were affected adversely. Punishments meted out ranged from resetting of Gamerscores to public shaming to permanent banning or all of these. Microsoft has listed all cheaters in a public hall of shame at The list is being regularly updated as more and more cheaters get added on to it."

I commend Microsoft for this. They're bringing their awareness down to the gaming level and I'm sure they will be rewarded with it in the future. Everyone hates a cheater and I know a couple of gaming freaks personally and they're passionate about video games so I'm sure the video game culture is praising Microsoft for this act.

Microsoft Eyeing iPhone for Apps

"Microsoft recently told Fortune magazine that it is looking at developing software for the iPhone.

It was only inevitable that Microsoft would be trying to cash in on the popularity of the iPhone, especially after the release of the iPhone SDK. The iPhone SDK gives Microsoft the opportunity to jump on the millions of people using the iPhone without having to work with Apple, at least directly. The SDK gives Microsoft the ability to produce suites of Office and other applications for the iPhone.

Don't sign the paperwork, yet. Microsoft's team of Mac developers has only been looking at the iPhone SDK for a week or so now and deciding whether or not the opportunity exists to produce applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch."

Soon we're just going to witness Microsoft breaking into Apple and Google territory, Google breaking into Microsoft and Apple territory, and Apple breaking into that of Google and Microsoft. Whatever the result, I'm sure its going to be great for the consumers.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gates Forecasts rapid change

In the next decade, computer interaction will advance, TV will be based on Internet, he says
09:30 AM CDT on Monday, March 24, 2008

Associated Press

In a recent speech Microsoft Corp. chairman Bill Gates speculated that some of the most important technological advances of the next decade will come in the ways people interact with computers: speech-recognition technology, tablets that will recognize handwriting and touch-screen surfaces that will integrate a wide variety of information.

"I don't see anything that will stop the rapid advance," Mr. Gates told the Northern Virginia Technology Council

He noted that technological change driven by academia and corporate researchers continued even after the Internet stock bubble burst in 2000.

He also said the coming years will bring rapid changes in media as television increasingly becomes a targeted medium, where viewers can select niche content for news, sports and entertainment.

Sometimes I start to feel that all this change is a bit frightening considering the speed at which all this change is occurring. Soon there won't even be a need for the good ole' pen and paper.

Microsoft not looking towards blu-ray

Ian Lamont writes
"Ever since Toshiba stopped production of HD DVD players, many Xbox 360 owners have been wondering when Microsoft will offer some sort of Blu-ray option for the Xbox 360. The answer: Probably never. Microsoft's product manager for the Xbox 360 has told Reuters that Microsoft is not in talks with Sony or the Blu-ray Association. Why not? The Industry Standard points to HDi, an obscure Microsoft technology that was part of the HD DVD interactivity layer. HDi may be dead on physical media, but it could potentially be applied to other Microsoft HD-compatible technologies such as Xbox Live Arcade and Windows Media Center, and be part of a long-term play to own a big share of the market for HD content delivered over the Internet."

I'm not sure what HDi is or what it does but if it saves the consumer from having to buy a blu-ray attachment then i'm all for it

Microsoft aimed at Patching Bug

March 22, 2008 (Computerworld)
Microsoft Corp. yesterday warned of a critical vulnerability that affects users of Word running on Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 SP1 -- several weeks after one security company first reported an exploit and a day after a second vendor confirmed ongoing attacks.

In an advisory posted Friday, Microsoft acknowledged "public reports of very limited, targeted attacks" that exploit a bug in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine, a Windows component that provides data access to applications including Microsoft Access and Visual Basic.
According to Symantec Corp., however, the attacks Microsoft described used malicious Word 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2007 documents, which in turn call up the vulnerable Jet .dll (Dynamic Link Library file).

"We believe that the issue being described [by Microsoft] is one described on March 20, 2008, by Elia Florio of Symantec Security Response," the security firm told customers of its DeepSight threat-analysis network on Saturday. "He notes a recent discovery, by Panda Security, of a possible zero-day exploit observed in the wild."

I commend Microsoft for their swift movement on fixing this infectious bug that is going around. If everyone company took action after just two complaints, maybe they would be raking in $50 billion a year in revenue

Monday, March 24, 2008

10 Improvements for Microsoft 7

"On Monday, I highlighted 10 things I told Microsoft about Windows Vista and what it needed to succeed Windows XP.

Commenter bigAPE complained: "If the author is such a visionary why is he writing blogs instead of the next Windows OS?" The commenter called the post another "told you so article." I gave the advice before Vista shipped, and it was mostly right. I didn't second-guess afterward. Anyone who followed my analyst blog between 2004-2006 would have seen this advice spread out among various posts.

But bigAPE has a point about making a positive contribution. So, once again, I offer my advice to Microsoft, this time for Windows 7. I encourage Microsoft Watch readers to do the same with their comments.

These 10 things intentionally mirror those from Monday's post.

1. Windows 7 has to be a whole lot better than Windows Vista. Better doesn't mean tons more features. CDs replaced vinyl records because of perceived better audio quality, small disc size and greater convenience. The older analog technology actually delivered better fidelity because it captured the full sound wave; the digital successor samples and compresses the sound wave. DVDs rapidly replaced VHS tapes for similar reasons. The experience was much better.

Microsoft's first priority should be reducing complexity. There, the Zune Marketplace UI has shown one way. The software/service is highly functional and fun, yet sharply streamlined compared with iTunes or Windows Media Player. Windows 7 should emphasize simplicity while hiding complexity. For example, must there really be 50 icons in Control Panel?

Any process requiring more than two mouse clicks is too complicated. Every Wizard is unnecessary. Windows 7 must wring the complexity out of the user interface. Microsoft can make Windows 7 more compelling by radically—and I mean RADICALLY—changing the UI. The old motif has got to go, and its replacement shouldn't be one motif but several. I'll explain more in No. 5 and 6. "

Microsoft should hire this guy to just sit in the board room and throw his ideas and responses around. His criticism of Microsoft's vista product is probably what everyone was saying when Vista was released and everyone had their trial with it.

Microsoft releases Vista update

"Microsoft has released a service update for all versions of its Windows Vista operating system.

The computer giant claims that the update improves the stability, security and performance of the software.

The update, or service pack, includes some fixes released before now and adds many new ones as well.

Microsoft has warned that the update could clash with some security software and other programs customers may have installed on their machine. "

Note to Microsoft, effective: immediately: BANISH VISTA FROM THE FACE OF THIS EARTH

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Microsoft Still Losing In Search War

"Other than a slight jump last summer during a Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) contest called Live Search Club, Microsoft's share of Internet searches in the United States has been consistently flat or declining over the last three years. That trend continued in February, as it lost another 0.2% of searches as compared to total search pie, according to comScore.

There have been repeated shake-ups of Microsoft's search strategy in the last few years, with the company first moving from MSN Search to Live Search, and then creating an entirely new organization for search and advertising, run by Microsoft senior VP Satya Nadella.

Last September, the company held an event called Searchification to unveil an entirely re-architected version of its search engine. Live Search 2.0 was supposed to provide more relevant query results and an easier-to-use interface. But these moves have meant little in terms of Microsoft's success in making inroads against Google."

Microsoft, in my opinion needs to simply give up the search war because it seems that the more innovations and ideas they come up with to become a competitor, the more they fall further behind than they already were.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

China's Alibaba plans to buy Yahoo-held stake amid Microsoft bid

"Chinese e-commerce firm Alibaba is in advanced talks with investors to buyout a 39 percent stake in the company held by Yahoo to help ensure future independence, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

The plan is aimed at increasing Alibaba's management independence if software giant Microsoft Corp acquires Yahoo and as a result also obtains the large stake in Alibaba, the newspaper said, citing unnamed sources.

Alibaba executives are concerned that Microsoft's size and history of hands-on management could jeopardise its autonomy and its image as a Chinese company, it said."

Microsoft seems to have become the bully of the business world. When you have companies running to avoid being taken over......that's impressive.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Something's gotten into Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) lately. Its developers are singing like canaries about their plans for Internet Explorer 8. Earlier this month, Microsoft released IE8 Beta 1, which is intended mainly as an early look for Web developers. It's quite a change for a product that seemed to have gone dark in the days after Vista's release.

All during 2007, Microsoft said basically nothing about what it was doing for the next version of its flagship browser. The paucity of substantial blog entries on the IE Blog left some doubt whether Microsoft was doing anything at all, besides IE7 security patches. The blog hit bottom in early December 2007, with a content-free post that announced the successor to IE7 would be called IE8. That same day, Molly Holschlag got a chance to interview Bill Gates about the lack of IE8 information coming out of Microsoft. Gates' response: "I'll have to ask Dean [Hachamovitch, general manager of the IE8 project] what the hell is going on."

Hopefully the introduction of the IE8 will shed some light on the small dark era after the release of Vista. From what I've read about it so far, it seems to be the best Internet Explorer version to date. The building of anticipation is also a good strategy, needless to say, on Microsoft's part.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Microsoft buys Ad Inventory Company

"Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) has bought San Francisco-based ad a company Rapt. Terms were not disclosed.

The company, which provides ad inventory management systems, will be integrated with the Atlas Publisher Suite, under Microsoft’s Advertiser and Publisher Solutions Group.

Atlas became part of Microsoft when it bought aQuantive (nasdaq: AQNT - news - people ) for $6 billion last year. "

Is anyone else starting to think that Microsoft is envious of Google. They buy DoubleClick, Microsoft buys Rapt. On the bright side though, its so cool to buy someone who you were a client of.

Microsoft and Yahoo Discuss Possibilities

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Senior executives from Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) and Yahoo Inc (YHOO.O) met on Monday to discuss Microsoft's takeover bid for the company, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The meeting was said to be the first since Microsoft made its unsolicited offer for Yahoo, worth nearly $42 billion, on January 31. Yahoo rejected the offer as inadequate last month.

The meeting was not a negotiation and no bankers were present, said one of the sources, who was not authorized to speak about the matter and thus wanted to remain anonymous.

The meeting with Microsoft is part of the company's strategy to keep all its options open, the people familiar with the matter said.

Although it is said that News Corp's Rupert Murdoch will not fight Microsoft over Yahoo and that Time Warner has no intention in acquiring Yahoo, history has proven that nothing is done until its done, especially a company that is not satisfied in its current state - Yahoo. So one upside to this waiting game for Yahoo is that it could leave them with multiple options.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Vista "Aero" inspired keyboard

"Microsoft is bringing "the beauty of Windows Aero from the PC to the devices that surround it" with its latest keyboard and mouse desktop set, the Wireless Laser Desktop 7000, designed to complement Vista.

The new desktop set includes an ultrathin Comfort Curve keyboard and rechargeable mouse, the keyboard features a Windows Aero-inspired translucent design, floating Hot Keys and instant access to Windows Flip 3D, which MS says makes this desktop a purty darn near perfect match for Vista PCs.",,91221-13372,00.html

The best thing Microsoft could come up with is a translucent border and a My Favorites key?.......too busy playing hard to get with Yahoo I see.

Microsoft Adopting Blu-Ray

"With the HD-DVD high-definition video format dead, Microsoft (MSFT) is moving to make amends with Sony (SNE) and make its operating system and Xbox 360 console compatible with the victorious Blu-ray format. According to a piece in last week’s Financial Times, Sony Electronics US president Stan Glasgow said his company was holding discussions with both Microsoft and Apple (AAPL) about adopting the format.

Now, Microsoft’s own Steve Ballmer is saying it’s time “to move on,” as if the company was reeling from a bad break up. At the Mix08 conference he said, “We’ve already been working on, for example, in Windows, device driver support for Blu-ray drives and the like, and I think the world moves on.”"

I think Microsoft should create a Blu-Ray add-on for all of its products which previously accommodated HD DVD's. If they're going to move on, they might as well move on full steam ahead. I also find it interesting how a product dominance in one industry could have such a broad ripple effect in multiple industries.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Microsoft slashes Xbox 360 prices

"Following the usual rumours before such a move, Microsoft has now officially announced that it has cut the costs of the Xbox 360 consoles in Europe.

With official "estimated retail prices" now starting from £159.99, Microsoft has lowered the cost of its entire "family" of Xbox consoles.

The company says that now with an entry-level price of £159.99, Xbox 360 is a "mass market entertainment proposition" and is chasing the Wii's top spot as an affordable, family-friendly console. ",,91221-13336,00.html

Many see this as an attempt to replace the Nintendo Wii as the number one gaming console on the market. This reduction reaches the entire Xbox family with the regular Xbox 360 (20 GB drive) being reduced by £50. The Xbox Arcade console £40, and the Xbox Elite being reduced by £40.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rumors of Logitech Takeover

"MILAN (Reuters) - Any takeover bid for peripherals maker Logitech International SA (LOGN.VX: Quote, Profile, Research) by Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile, Research) would be "an operation without sense", Logitech's chairman was quoted as saying in an Italian newspaper on Sunday.

Shares in Swiss-based Logitech rose in January based on speculation Microsoft would launch a takeover bid. Analysts dismissed rumors of an $8 billion takeover bid and Logitech board member Daniel Borel, the company's largest shareholder, said he had no reason to sell his stake.

"(Shares) only rose for a day. Anyhow it would be an operation without sense," Logitech Chairman Guerrino De Luca told Corriere della Sera in an interview.

"I reiterate, without competition Logitech would lose the great pressure to innovate. Moreover there would be problems from antitrust authorities seeing as the two companies together would have a virtual global monopoly in mice and keyboards.""

As I stated in class a week or two ago, Microsoft's biggest problem is what Logitech's would be if a Microsoft takeover and De Luca said it best, "...without competition Logitech would lose the great pressure to innovate."

Microsoft considering Blu-Ray drive for 360

by Quintin Smith on Sunday, 09 March 2008

"Following the market failure of the Xbox 360's HD-DVD drive, Microsoft is currently in talks with Sony about adding Blu-Ray technology to their videogames console.It's unknown at this point whether Microsoft intends to start producing high-end variants of the 360 with a Blu-Ray drive built in, or to sell it as an add-on unit as they did with the HD-DVD drive.Microsoft is currently pushing HD content on its console, with HD movies available for download via their online Xbox Live service. Sony is readying a similar digital download service for the PS3."

I think the add-on feature for this console would be a great idea since HD DVD's will be a dead product in the next couple of months. However, considering the two - three years in between the typical release dates of game consoles, Microsoft may just want to wait to add the update to the next gaming console they release.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Assignment 6: Your company's home page-url and what it's purpose is

Post your companies website and tell what type of website your company has?

Right-now marketing: Through Microsoft's website, a customer would be able to download any Microsoft program and have it installed directly onto their computer within a few minutes.

Global Reach: Being that Microsoft is such a large corporation that operates in numerous parts of the world, anyone, anywhere would be able to access the Microsoft website and order products.

Information: By browsing the website, you will locate sections on how to keep your computer running faster and more efficient, the contributions of women in technology and even training sessions for some of their programs.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Microsoft Considering Cash Offer

"The Post's Peter Lauria reports several juicy Microsoft (MSFT) -Yahoo (YHOO) tidbits in the wake of Yahoo's delaying the board-nominee deadline yesterday:

-Ballmer furious about this latest rebuff
-Microsoft has a full slate of Yahoo board nominees ready and may file it next week despite the deadline change
-Microsoft is trying to persuade major Yahoo shareholder Softbank (3% owner) to support the deal
-Microsoft is considering going to a 100% cash offer to get Yahoo shareholders even more excited/impatient. This would presumably jack the offer value value back to $31, up from the current $28.87.

Peter also says Team Yahoo is spinning the proxy delay as a way to allow Yahoo to make sure it has fully explored all alternatives before it negotiates with Microsoft. This may be so, but it's easy to see why Steve Ballmer might be annoyed by this."

100% CASH - smh smh

iPhone to get more updates

"Exchange support, true push email, pro-level security and configuration features -- they're all in store for the iPhone as Apple tries to position its touch-screen handset as a true competitor to BlackBerrys, Palm Treos, and Windows Mobile devices.

Apple VP Phil Schiller said the new features, which will allow business users to instantly sync their Exchange email, contacts, and events, will be in the next iPhone software update. (No word yet on when the update will arrive.) (Update: Looks like it won't be until June.)

Specifically, the iPhone will get support for Microsoft's ActiveSync protocol, which taps into-and syncs with-corporate Exchange servers, pulling info into the iPhone's existing email, calendar, and contacts applications. In the past, large business and corporate email networks have avoided using the iPhone because of compatibility, but now, that will no longer be an issue."

This feature is long overdue for the iPhone. I'm surprised it wasn't one of the features that came with the unit but in hindsight, there are plenty things that the iPhone lacks. Overall it is a great phone and arguably one of the most anticipated communications device ever.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Microsoft Opening Up

"Microsoft has emerged fresh from its recent financial battering by the European Union (EU) by announcing the public availability of Office Live Workspace.

The software giant, which recently pledged to be ‘more open’ (CRN Online 25 February) was lambasted by the EU for the amount it charges rivals for information on its software and fined a record £688m (CRN Online, 29 February). But from this week Office Live is now available for free registration online.

Onlookers previously questioned Microsoft’s pledge to change its technology and business practices to become more open for developers, partners, customers and competitors."

This was a very good strategy to rebound from that massive penalty Microsoft incurred just last week. The availability of their products may have been one of the only ways Microsoft was knocked from its pedestal but if they adopt this approach in other profitable areas, then they may just be invincible

Yahoo Still On Defense

"SUNNYVALE, Calif. (AP) - Yahoo Inc. has extended a deadline for nominating candidates to its board, giving the struggling Internet pioneer more time to search for a white knight to help it fight off an unwanted takeover bid from Microsoft Corp.

The announcement Wednesday comes amid published reports that Yahoo has stepped up discussions with Time Warner Inc. about acquiring or forming a joint venture with its AOL online unit to fend off the world's largest software company.

Microsoft's bid, originally valued at $44.6 billion, or $31 per share, was made public Feb. 1. Yahoo has rejected the offer as too low, and it was expected Microsoft would nominate its own slate to the Yahoo board to push the deal through.

Yahoo said the deadline for nominations would be 10 days after it announces the date of its annual shareholder meeting. The previous deadline was March 14......"

Microsoft needs to focus on improving products like Vista as opposed to taking over a company that was running themselves into the ground. Its even possible that Microsoft will back Yahoo into a situation that makes them (Yahoo) a better corporation and a bigger threat than they ever thought they could be.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Vista Prices Tumble

"ON the weekend, copies of Microsoft's Windows Vista Home Premium software were on sale for as little as $US99 ($106) at some US big-box outlets.

That's a big discount on the list price of $US159 for the most popular upgrade version of its operating system, which Microsoft stubbornly clung to from Vista's launch a year ago until last Thursday.

It's also a solid 25 per cent below the new list price, even before the cuts announced last week.

If there was any question that Microsoft is struggling to hold its ground in fast-shifting retail markets, it should be put to rest by the hit the company is taking on Vista prices and margins. ",24897,23312805-5013038,00.html

I personally am not a fan of the vista version either. I was completely satisfied with the XP version of Windows which Microsoft released and I never heard any complaints about the capabilities of it. Vista, on the other hand, should have been scrapped from the start. I don't see how such a flawed program took the place of one that was way more efficient, quicker, and user friendly.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Assignment 5: Current sales technique and suggested sales technique

Create a new sales channel for your product.

As difficult as this task may be, I'll make an effort to create some type of new or improved method of selling Microsoft Windows. The reason for this being so difficult is due to the fact that the Windows program is arguably one of the most important and successful ideas in the history of business. It has helped Microsoft transform into a multi-billionaire dollar corporation so naturally, I'm sure they have experienced and resourceful marketers who have thought of every shred of a possibility in selling this product, from business to business to business to consumer. However, one of the great things about business and in particular, marketing, is that there is always something to be thought of. So here is birthed the effort. One way in which windows, can widen its marker to sell a modified version of the program to run on cell phones. Certain phones already have the Windows program but as stated before, conception could just be expanding on a previous idea or product. If Microsoft made Windows compatible for all phones the way the Internet overall has become then Microsoft could also pitch to phone companies as another business to business method. It may even help its online search quest being that it would be obvious to make Microsoft the default search tool. Mobile searching is typically much quicker that PC searching so even if someone was accustomed to using Google, I doubt they would go through the extra time to first, visit the Google site and then actually perform their search.