Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Microsoft still #1 Contender

That potential three-way alliance was almost immediately offset by the revelation former Yahoo suitor News Corp was in talks to back Microsoft instead. “Everyone is just exploring. The best option is to accept the Microsoft deal,” Thrivent Financial fund manager Mike Binger told Reuters. “I just see Yahoo as a mature brand and AOL as a declining brand.”

Yahoo’s board met Friday to discuss strategy but a formal decision is unlikely to come prior to a quarterly earnings report slated for 22 April. Yahoo staff is known to be even less keen on an AOL tie than a Microsoft deal, viewing both companies as dusty but AOL as futureless. Shareholders are expected to share that view, despite a proposal to merge Yahoo with AOL's Internet operations in a cash deal that would leave the portal with 80 per cent control and an unspecified wedge of cash.


I honestly think all this resistance from Yahoo is simply a thing of ego. There is no reason to suspect that this harm Yahoo in any way. They have not been doing a very good job of running themselves and even from the announcement of the deal, their shares jump a considerable percentage so I really am not understanding all the negotiations.

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