Sunday, April 6, 2008

Microsoft says its Not Worried About Apple Smartphone

Microsoft has welcomed Apple's iPhone as a good thing for the smartphone market.

Lynette Kucsma, senior marketing manager for Microsoft's Communications Business group, said at the launch of Windows Mobile 6.1 that the company is "not at all worried by Apple entering the market".

"Apple has opened up awareness of smartphones to a wider market and that helps everyone," she said.

Kucsma explained that Microsoft is also unconcerned about Apple's foray into the business market, maintaining that Apple has a long way to go before it could match Redmond on business software.

Although this sounds pretty noble and laudable of Microsoft, it also sounds like pure bullshit....Since when has Microsoft never been worried about a competitor being the leader in an industry......I can't help but wonder how long it'll be before Microsoft threatens cingular with a hostile takeover

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