Friday, April 25, 2008

Investors Want Yahoo War to End

April 24 (Bloomberg) -- Shareholders of Microsoft Corp. may be more focused on news regarding the takeover of Yahoo Inc. than the software maker's earnings report and sales forecast today.

Microsoft has dropped 3.5 percent in Nasdaq trading since Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer's $44.6 billion offer to buy Yahoo on Jan. 31. Yahoo's repeated rejections and Ballmer's threat of a proxy fight have shifted investor attention from Microsoft's strengths, said Ken Smith, director of technology investment at Munder Capital Management.

``They need to quit fooling around and get the deal done,'' said Smith, whose Birmingham, Michigan-based firm owns Microsoft and Yahoo shares. ``The fundamentals of Microsoft's business are tremendous, but this has really capped the stock.''

Everyone needs to follow Warren Buffet's strategy for business. Be discreet and act quickly. Microsoft is giving Yahoo way too much time to mount a defense and they, like i said would happen, have fought themselves right into a profitable situation with outsourcing their advertisement to Google.

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