Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Microsoft hopes Update will Stimulate Vista Sales

Mar. 31, 2008 (Investor's Business Daily delivered by Newstex) --

Microsoft's year-old Windows Vista operating system could get a boost now that Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) has issued the first set of bug fixes for the product.

Many users, particularly businesses and other enterprises, won't consider installing a new Microsoft MSFT operating system until the company has released at least one set of fixes, which the industry calls a service pack.

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 has been available for download from Microsoft's Windows Update Web site since March 18. Microsoft plans to push the fixes out to Windows Vista users who have chosen to get automatic updates starting in mid-April. PC makers have begun to include the updates on new PCs.

Service Pack 1, or SP1, addresses some of the biggest complaints about the new operating system, particularly performance, reliability and support for newer hardware and standards.


It seems as if Microsoft has been trying to force people to adapt to Vista. There is no reason that customers still have to offer their consumers the predecessor platform, Windows XP, due to consumer demand. That's a sure sign that something is wrong with Vista and should be completely revised or replaced.

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