Saturday, February 2, 2008

Microsoft+Yahoo = Google?

In an effort to contend with Google's dominance in the online search engine world, Microsoft has announced a bid for Yahoo valued at $44.6 billion. In a report from comScore, which serves as the scorekeeper in the search world, there were 55.3 billion search queries during the month of October of 2007. Google assisted with 42.4 billion of these queries while, together, Yahoo and Microsoft were responsible for 12.9 billion. With the performance of Yahoo in recent years, its a good move for Yahoo to join with Microsoft though there are major concerns about how the differences in cultures of the two companies will blend together. Many look at Microsoft as the conservative mid 50's gentleman while Yahoo could be labeled as the young hip teenager with the blaring ipod headphones. In any event the companies must keep in mind the objective which is not to be shut out the market by Google which seems to have a stronghold on the business of the internet.

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