Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Assignment 1: What was the greatest marketing era for my

Founded In 1975 during the Marketing Era, (1950's -1990) Microsoft is a computer technology company with over 80,000 employees worldwide. Since its creation, Microsoft has been the leader in the computer software field with the creation of MS-DOS and especially since the birth of the Microsoft Windows program which, to date, is its most revenue generating product. This along with the Microsoft Office programs helped Microsoft rake in the $51 billion it grossed in 2007. The Relationship Era (1990's - ) was the companies greatest years due to the rise in popularity of PC's. With almost every PC that was bought, came a version of Microsoft Windows. And almost 20 years later Microsoft has managed to stay the leader in the computer software world, despite obstacles such as competition and legal intimidation concerning its alleged monopolistic characteristics.

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