Friday, February 22, 2008

Assignment 3: Blue Ray/HD

Identify and discuss the elements of marketing that exist in the story below.

1. Conception: Taking home movies, formerly represented by hd dvds, and further developing the idea into a new concept, blu-ray discs.

2. Distribution: When the blu-ray discs won the war of home movies over hd dvds, U.S retailers decided to immediately adopt the new discs. These retailers included, Best Buy Co Inc, Wal-Mart Stores Inc, and Netflix

3. Strategic Planning - Blu-rays objective or strategic planning was centered around becoming the the leader in home movie sales.

4. Over-the-counter selling: when the U.S. retailers adopted the new blu-ray technology the retailers will in turn engage in over the counter selling of the blu-ray discs.

5. Competition - Competition existed between the blu-ray discs and hd dvds.

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