Thursday, May 1, 2008

Saving XP

Virtue may be its own reward when you go to church. But, like it or not, virtue generally takes a backseat to profit in the corporate world. But isn't it nice when the two come together?

Case in point: Windows XP, an operating system whose time has not yet passed. At least, we hope not. InfoWorld, of course, has been leading the charge to save XP, and I'm not going to repeat all the reasons that's a good idea.

[ If saving XP is revenue-neutral for Microsoft, keeping XP could mean actual big savings for users, argues Galen Gruman. ]

But to be honest, as a Microsoft stockholder and Wall Street watcher, I might well be inclined to tell InfoWorld to stuff it if I really thought there was a compelling business reason to toss XP overboard. After all, Windows is the engine that drives a huge chunk of Microsoft's revenue and profits; damage it and shareholders suffer. But a legitimate business case for dropping XP doesn't exist.

If you've been reading my comments throughout this semester, you probable already know what comment I had in mind for this article. the XP

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