Friday, May 9, 2008

Microsoft Got Took?

This week’s chatter that Microsoft may have approached Facebook to discuss a possible takeover has created quite a buzz. But maybe Microsoft should be inquiring about getting a partial rebate on its $240 million investment instead.

Microsoft’s October purchase of a 1.6 percent Facebook stake implicitly valued the social-networking Web site at $15 billion. Even at the time, some people questioned such an eye-popping valuation. But as the months have passed, the number is looking even more bubbly. And not just to us: Several Web sites this week have questioned the value implied by Microsoft’s Facebook deal. On Friday, PEHub’s Dan Primack suggested it might be “one of the worst venture capital deals of all time.”

First, a big caveat: It’s hard to gauge how much Facebook is worth using traditional methods, because it is not a public company and gives out little in the way of performance data.

Proves even more that Microsoft was just so excited about doing a deal in some from or another that they didn't even research this one enough. They're just going on a shopping spree for stakes in companies. El Stupido's

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